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About Us

The Australian Pecan Association Incorporated (APA) is a not-for-profit incorporated association based in NSW. APA was founded in 1996 by a group of growers with assistance from the then NSW Department of Agriculture Pecan Extension Officer Ross Loebel. APA aims to connect, inform & represent the Australian pecan industry. Membership is open to all in the industry, but only growers have voting rights.

APA Rules of Association

The objectives described below and the Constitution of The Australian Pecan Association Incorporated (vFeb2019) forms the structure within which the APA operates.
The APA’s constitution was developed from NSW Fair Trading’s “model constitution”, which covers the matters required by law under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009.


A Management Committee elected by members at our Annual General Meetings, manage the Association. All of the committee’s work is provided on a voluntary basis. The current committee includes:

  • President – David Nilon
  • Treasurer – Harry Kinehan
  • Secretary – Jen Irving
  • ANIC Representative – Andrew Waddell
  • SA Representative – vacant
  • Southern NSW Representative – Paul O’Neill
  • Northern NSW Representative – vacant
  • QLD Representative – Boyd Paton


The APA also have an Executive Committee sub-committee who meet regularly (approx monthly). The Management Committee receive minutes of these ongoing meetings. The current Executive Committee includes:

  • David Nilon (President)
  • Jen Irving (Secretary)
  • Harry Kinehan (Treasurer)

Other APA Subcommittees are developed as required e.g. APA Conference Sub-Committee, Marketing Committee etc.

APA Annual Conference & Field Day

Each year, after harvest season, the APA host an annual conference & field day which is a great way for members and the broader pecan industry to get together and focus on big picture, global, retail and business perspectives as well as the latest grower ag tech, soil and agronomy issues. APA also run our Annual General Meeting at these events.

In 2019 we held our conference in Port Macquarie. Some of the presentations from conference can be downloaded here:

Plant Stress Monitoring in Orchards, Paul Grobler, Phytech [3.8MB]

Precision Ag Basics for Pecan Orchards, Nick Barton [2.7MB]

Sustainable Energy Solutions for Pecan Industry, Andras Nagy [1.9MB]

The South African Experience, Johan Prinsloo [2.4MB]

The Value of Ag-Tech in Agriculture, Mark Heyward [3.0MB]

What your soil and leaves are telling you, Graham Lancaster EAL SCU [5.3MB]

APA AGM Presentations [6.0MB]

HCO Grading, Miriam Villen Rodriguez [15.4MB]

High Performance Biology Underpinned by Soil Health Optimisaton, Andrew Doecke [5.5MB]

Joining the Dots – Agronomy 101, Scott Herd [1.2MB]

Lessons Learnt from Macadamia Industry, Jolyon Burnett AMS [1.2MB]

Managing Rodens in Pecan Orchards, Mark Wilson, BASF [2.4MB]

Pecans Health & Nutrition, Belinda Neville, Nuts for Life Program [3.0MB]

Pecan Competitions

To coincide with the Annual Pecan Industry Conference the APA run competitions which are judged and announced at the conference. Our competition categories include:

  • Best Pecan Competition
  • Pecan Cooking Competition
  • Photography Competition

APA invite all members and their families to submit entries for one or all of the competitions.

To find out more about the APA please contact us.