Australian Pecan Suppliers

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Member Name & Contact Details
Stahmann Webster
Nick Downes
Group Sales Manager
Mobile: +61 488 232 239
Nuts in shell :YES
Kernel: YES
Other products: YES
Additional Information:
Vertically integrated tree nut business, we are growers and buyers of Australian grown pecan nut in shell, as well as walnuts, macadamias and almonds.  We provide proprietary and private label products to major retailers nationally and internationally. HACCP, Halal, Kosher, SQF, Woolworths, Dept of Agriculture Export & Import Licences.
Pecan Farmers Co-operative of Australia.
Tel: 02 6629 1418
Fax: 02 6629 1419
Nuts in shell:YES
Kernel: YES
Other products: Pecan Meal
Additional Information:
Supply Certified Organic and conventional pecan halves and pecan cooking bits.
Bellbowra – Organic Pecans
Tel: 02 6564 8747
Nuts in shell: YES
Kernel: YES
Other products: YES
Additional Information:
Vertically integrated tree nut business, we are growers and buyers of Australian grown pecan nut in shell, as well as walnuts, macadamias and almonds. We provide proprietary and private label products to major retailers nationally and internationally. HACCP, Halal, Kosher, SQF, Woolworths, Dept of Agriculture Export & Import Licences.
Organic Pecan Enterprises
Warren Huston – Manager Director – Mobile: +61 411 857 637
Luke Huston – Sales Manager – Mobile: +61 428 419 753
Email: luke@organicpecanenterprises.comACO Pecan Nuts in Shell: Yes
ACO Pecan Kernel: Yes
Conventional Pecan Kernel: Yes
Additional Information:
HACCP & Australian Certified Organic (ACO) Processors & Producers of Australian Pecans